Juanita's English 6 Blog

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Work of Fall 2008

Click here for Fall 2008

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

College Essay

Riding Back to Health

Every person has experience sometimes significant that has impacted them for the better, whether that experience was a good one or a bad one. It changed them with out them knowing. I have always had a passion for sports , until suddenly that passion just went away. Until I joined a Bike Club, that passsion came back with out me knowing. It changed me for the better, for my health and much more.

Since I was a little girk I always loved playing different sports. It was a big passion I had and I didn't care what any thought of me liking sports. What I meant that was the girls. As I grow up and got to middle school the girls that I played with when I was little didn't want to play sports anymore. They started to care about how they looked, they didn't want to mess up their clothes, hair, and most of all they didn't want to sweat. They were becaming teenage girls.

As I got to the next grade level of Middle School, it started to get harder to go oustide. Homework was starting to pile up and there was no time to go oustide and play. It started to get harder to go outside because of scool, and a lot of friends didn't want to play. I stop playing sports, which made it hard in gym class. I didn't want to go outside anymore, I just wanted to stay home.

The summer before sophomore year, I join a bike club for kids. This ride club was for kids to learn riding skills, and how to ride safe in the streets of New York City. At first I didn't want to join but my mother sort of made me. She siad it was "going to be good experience." The first few rides were the hardest. I think the rides were going to be short like the ones you'll do at the park or around the block a couple of times. But I was dead wrong these rides were much harder. They will be 2 hours of riding to a destintation then there be a break of lunch then we'll ride another 2 hours back to the bike shop. Every week the bike rides were longer and we went father. I was about to give up and quit.

As the weeks went by I began to rally enjoy the bike rides. The group was going faster we were averaging 6 miles an hour about 10 miles an hour. I realling was enjoying the scenery of how the city looks snd I liked the places they took kids. Ever since I joined, I have been more excited about playing sports again and trying new things and going to new places. I am going outside more, I am walking more and playing more. The ride giving a passion to try new things again and I didn't realize the change until my junior year of high school. It changed me for the better and for my health as well.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Poem. Kevin Toscano & Juanita Trujillo


People say America is just so wonderful and a jubilate place.
But some administrations discredit the value of the country.
Past and present Government Officials doing things behind our backs, taking us for chumps.
The suppose 'War on Terror' is so deplore.
Stupefying little kids as to it's actually purpose.
So many people censure the already lost Iraqi War, but the Government doesn't listen.

Stupidity of the Government.

The world we know has gone through many changes.
Bloodshed marks our history; perpetual fighting between ourselves.
Instead of making friends with one another, we suppressed each other.
Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini lauding their people; believing them supreme.
Genocide of the Jewish people, and domination of the Aryan race.
American's, European's, Hispanic's, Asian's.
We don't live in a homogeneous world, but we can stop our hatred.

Stupidity of the Leaders.

Living a long and healthy life can be done.
But smoking, AIDs, driving and global warming nullifies it.
Destruction of the Earth, as if it was our playground.
Gas pollution from cars and spontaneous death relating to deleterious toxic.
People oblivion to recycling, crippling our o-zone.
An incessant number of oddities, happening around us.

Stupidity of the people.

Children are born good, just made demonic.
Small words and phases, which are hackneyed, and seem cute.
Replicas of their parents when they were young.
Smoking, drinking and drugs entangle their minds as they grow.
Ironically finding it cool because the television shows it.
Troublesome children; household becomes discordant, stability crumbles.

Stupidity of the media.

Humans walking so nonchalant, unaware of what is dying around them.
Black and White Pandas, Green Turtles and ferrets dying out.
The incontrovertible truth that one day soon we won’t see them anymore.
Shooting rings, and animals killing for fun.
Hanging the head of the hunted on the walls.
Oh how ostentatious to them.

Stupidity of the Gun users.

Peace and harmony; international laws.
Be perceptive of other races and their cultures and to venerate.
Crack down on drugs dealers.
Embellish the harm it can do to ones self.
Eco-friendly fuel for cars.
Supervision of the people of the future.
Animal protection rights, preservation centers, and awareness.

Amicable of everyone.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Public Speaking Project

Task: To present, through public speaking, a biography and a 1 1/2 minute speech from a selected speaker firmly noted & in the American historical & literary protest tradition.

Biography Powerpoint Presentation on Barbara Jordan

Barbara Jordan

U.S Lawyer, Educator, and Politician

->Barbara Charline Jordan was born on February 21, 1936 in Houston, Texas.
->Father Benjamin Jordan was a Baptist Minster and a Warehouse worker.
->Mother Arlyne Jordan was a Domestic Worker.
->Has two older sisters named Bennie, and Rose-Marie.
->Grow up in a part of town that was reduced to poverty.
->She was a State Senator, a congressman and a member of the House of Representatives.
->After retiring from the House of Representatives, Barbara returned to Texas to become a full time professor at a University.
-> Died on January 17, 1996. Died of pneumonia in Austin, Texas.

->When she was young she wanted to be a pharmacist but a woman named Edith Sampson made her think that she wanted to a lawyer.
->Barbara always had political ambitions.
->She wanted to help change the segregation laws.
->Barbara ran for a seat in the Texas House of Representatives in 1962 and 1964 but lost both times.
->In 1972, she ran for the U.S. Congress and was elected from her Houston district.

->First African American female that represented Texas as a State Senator since 1883.(1966 to 1972)
-> First African American female to represent state in Congress from the South.
->First African American to be elected and re-elected into Congress.
->Worked in the John F. Kennedy’s Presidential campaign in 1960.
->In 1976, became the first African American women to deliver a keynote address at political convention.
->House of Representatives from 1973- 1979
->Jimmy Carter was interested in naming her either attorney general or U.N. ambassador but she remained in Congress.

Contribution to Protest
->As a U.S congressman and as a state Senator, Barbara sponsored bills that helped people that were at a disadvantage.
->She became a leader in the fight to impeach Richard Nixon.
->Vote “Yes” of the impeachment of President Richard Nixon.
->Best remembered for her defense of the Constitution in the Watergate affair.

Picture of Barbara Jordan
Information on Barbara Jordan

1992 Democratic National Convention Keynote Address
Delivered 13 July, 1992, New York, NY
Barbara Jordan

It was at this time, place and event 16 years ago I presented a keynote address to the Democratic National Conventions. I remind you that year 1976, we won the presidency. Why not repeat in 1992? We can do it.

What we need to do, Democrats, is believe that it is possible to win. It is possible. We can do it. Tonight, I heard a lot about change. Every Speaker here said something about change. Change: From What to What? From what to what. What about the public mind? The public minds are held at low regard.

We are not strangers to change. Twenty years, we changed the whole tone of the nation at the Watergate abuses. We know how to change and what needs to be done.

There are things which outta change. We will change in order to satisfy the present, the future and improve the environment at the same time. When the economy is growing and we taking care of the environment, we all succeed. And we can do it all.

We need to change the way the economy lives. We have an economy that doesn’t care. Change must be made to direct the American economy. We can make that change and became proud of the country that we are.

As we undergo that change we must prepared to answer Rodney King’s haunting question, “Can we all get along?” I say we answer that question with a resounding “Yes!”

Monday, March 31, 2008

March 31, 2008

Do Now: Can you recall a quote, speech, parable or lesson that inspired you, changed your perspective on life, or made you stop and think? Identify it and explain reasons why.
A quote that i had heard was that "Everything happens for a reason." This quote changed the way I think about life. I think that things happen to you in life that can be good or bad. But there is some reason why it happened to be you because bigger is coming your way. One way was that during the freshman year on Thursdays I will go to swimming but it ended because the programs ended. It lasted about 4 months. From sophomore til now I to a bike club that meets in the summer every week. In the fall and spring we meet once or twice a month. It is more fun, get to learn about bike safety in the streets of New York, I get to it with my siblings and my friends.

Listen to a speech and identify as many of the following: Take notes while you watch and listen. Who is giving the speech, where is the speech, who is the targeted audience, what is the message etc.
I listened to a speech by Ronald Reagan about the space shuttle "Challenger" tragedy address. Ronald Reagan delivered the speech on January 28, 1986 to the people of the United States. He began the speech by saying that he was planning to speak about the report on the state of the union but he decided to talk about the tragedy of the space shuttle Challenger. The tragedy that happened 19 years ago. He said that the country never lost people in flight but the Challenger tragedy lost 7 lives. The 7 people were daring and brave. They were hunger to explore the the universe. He continued by saying the the space program has been her for 25 years but were still pioneers. The space programs continues, for the men and women of NASA he is moved and impressed. He honors the crew of the space shuttle Challenger.

Link to Ronald Reagan's Speech

Friday, March 28, 2008

Treatment of Native Americans

Task: Assume the role of activists/protestors and research songs that would best depict your position on your assigned topic. Annotate then write a persuasive paragraph and include at least two of the rubric standards.

Healing Songs:
Prayer (from the Navajo healing ceremony called Night Chant)
Tségihi,House made of dawn.

House made of evening light.
House made of the dark cloud.
House made of male rain.
House made of dark mist.
House made of female rain.
House made of pollen.
made of grasshoppers.
Dark cloud is at the door. -->The Bluecoats are coming to the Native Americans.
The trail out of it is dark cloud.
The zigzag lightning stands high upon it.-->Tricked the Native Americans that they were good people.
Male deity!
Your offering I make. --
I have prepared a smoke for you. --
Restore my feet for me. --
Restore my legs for me. -->The Native Americans trusted the bluecoats and wanted help from
Restore my body for me. -- the bluecoats
Restore my mind for me. --
This very day take out your spell for me.
Your spell remove for me.
You have taken it away for me.
Far off it has gone.
Happily I recover.
Happily my interior becomes cool.
Happily I go forth.
My interior feeling cool, may I walk.
No longer sore, may I walk.
Impervious to pain, may I walk.
With lively feeling may I walk
.As it used to be long ago, may I walk.
Happily may I walk.
Happily, with abundant dark clouds, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant showers, may I walk.
Happily, with abundant plants, may I walk.
Happily, on a trail of pollen, may I walk.
Happily may I walk.
Being as it used to be long ago, may I walk.
May it be beautiful before me.
May it be beautiful behind me.
May it be beautiful below me.
May it be beautiful above me.
With it be beautiful all around me.
In beauty it is finished. --> When the blue coats were finished with there healing they left.
By: K. L. Nichols (http://members.cox.net/academia/songs.html)

The author believes that Native Americans know that the blue coats were coming and the blue coats tricked the Native Americans. The blue coats tricked the Native Americans by leading them to think that they are good people but they really are not. The Native American be Friend them and trust the blue coats. When the blue coats got what they needed they left and there friendship ended. The author trusted and befriended the blue coats. There were doing fine until the got what they needed and then the blue coats left. The blue coat left then the Native American had a hard time.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Excerpt from Chief Joseph’s Speech

How is the art of rhetoric evident in Chief Joseph’s speech?
Chief Joseph's speech is an art of rhetoric because the speech showed his feels toward the white men. He told his people that if your at peace with the white men and let them be on your land. They wouldn't treat them bad and they can be at peace with each other. They can be like friends.

Who is he addressing in this speech?
The speech is addressing the white men.

Who is he indicting and why?
He is indicting the white men because when the white men after came the were ok with each other. There was no problems between the two races until the white men became greedy and started to go after there land. This
lead to them losing their land and many of their people.

Identify any heroic characteristics?
Chief Joseph had heroic charcteristics because he wanted his people to keep their land and live safe. But with the White men wanting them to go to the Reservation he needed to protect his people so they traveled north to be safe and free.

Why is this speech Protest Literature?
This speech is protest literature because Cheif Joseph and his father didn't want to get up there land and sign the treaty to give up there land.